In today’s competitive job market and the limited number of available jobs, the CV is the single most important step in the recruitment process. The HR manager will typically receive anything from 50-100 applications all fighting for the same job. With so much choice at their disposal, the employer has the right to expect nothing but the best.
It you want to write the perfect CV and provide yourself with the very best opportunity of success, here are the 3 things your CV must do…
Be tailored to the role
Writing a CV that lists everything you’ve ever achieved will not catch the attention of an employer. The hiring manager will only be interested in finding someone who can tick all the boxes, and doesn’t need a life story.
Writing a generic CV that can be used to apply for numerous different roles is a lazy approach to job hunting. It will not impress anyone and will fail to address the important aspects as laid out by the employer in the job advert.
Always tailor your CV to the role, the company and the industry. This will ensure it focuses upon exactly what they are looking for, and makes it easier for the employer to recognise you are the right person for the job.
“Highlight keywords and specific skills listed in the job description, and include them in your CV.”
Andrew Arkley, Purple CV
Be completely free of errors
“A lack of attention to detail could outweigh your otherwise perfect CV.”
Even just the tiniest of errors could result in rejection, and it won’t matter how highly qualified you are for the role. When the employer has so many other candidates to consider, they do not need to deliberate over an error. The simple solution is to toss it onto the ‘no’ pile and move along.
Why? Because a CV that contains an error shows a lack of care and diligence. Both of these traits are valuable in any position, and if you are already demonstrating these flaws, you are not going to make a very good first impression.
Demonstrate performance
“Without figures, you are just providing cliché statements on your CV without the evidence to back up your bold claims.”
Martin Carline, CV Template Master
Listing all the daily tasks and responsibilities for your previous roles is a standard aspect of completing a CV. The employer is obviously interested in what you’ve been up to during your career, and also the skills you’ve acquired. However, what most job seekers fail to realise is that performance and achievements are equally important.
Listing lots of skills doesn’t mean to say you are actually proficient in those skills. The employer wants to see your achievements, which is why your CV must demonstrate performance and provide indicators.
Depending on the role and your experience, you should look to provide examples of your performance. This can be via the use of revenue stats, profit, contracts negotiated, sales figures, and so on.